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CSM Number : 2
Short name: Hildefonsus of Toledo
Incipit: Muito devemos varões/ loar a Santa Maria
Refrain: Muito devemos varões/ loar a Santa Maria/ que sas graças e sas dões/ dá a quen en ela fia
Summary of narrative
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Setting: Toledo Protagonist(s): St. Ildefonso

The Virgin gave a vestment to a Spanish priest named Ildefonso.

Ildefonso preached well and wrote that Mary was a Virgin, although Jews and heretics challenged this notion.

One day, while he was walking in a procession with King Reccesvinth, St Leocadia appeared before them. She told Ildefonso: “my Lady lives through you.”

The Virgin gave him an alb to wear on her feast days.

She warned him that no one else was to sit in his chair or to wear the garment.

His successor, Archbishop Siagrio, put on the alb and was killed immediately.

Metrical data
Stanza: 7’ 7’ 7’ 7’ 7’ 7’ 7’ 7’ 7’ Refrain: 7’ 7’ 7’ 7’
No. of Stanzas: 6
Rhyme scheme: ABAB | cdcdefefb Zejel: Yes
MS locations:
T2, E2, To2
Poncelet reference
Archipraesul Toletanus / Hildefonsus fide sanus (117)
alb, apparition, archbishop, heretic, Jews, procession, Saint Ildefonsus, Saint Leocadia, sermon, treachery, vengeance (divine), vestments, virginity
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
Miracle Collection
Hildefonsus Gonzalo de Berceo
Hildefonsus Pez
Hildefonsus Thott
(Copenhagen, Royal Library, MS Thott 128)
Hildefonsus Phillips
(Chicago, University of Chicago, Phillipps MS 25142)
Hildefonsus Vincent de Beauvais
Hildefonsus Gil de Zamora
(Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, MS 9503)
Hildefonsus Gil de Zamora
(Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, MS 9503)
Hildefonsus BL Mariale 3
(London, BL, Additional MS 35112, ff. 21-80; 90-94)
Hildefonsus Lisbon Mariale
(Lisbon, B.N., MS Alcobacense 149)
Hildefonsus John of Garland
Hildefonsus Madrid Mariale
(Madrid, B.N., MS 110)
Hildefonsus Gautier de Coinci
Hildefonsus William of Malmesbury
Hildefonsus BL Mariale 2
(London, BL, Arundel 346, ff. 60-73)
Hildefonsus Nigel of Canterbury
(London, BL, MS Cotton Vespasian D.xix)
Hildefonsus Miraculorum B. Mariae. libri III
(Reims 1400)
Toledo Jean Gobi
Hildefonsus Jean Gobi
Hildefonsus BL Mariale 4
(London, BL, Additional MS 15723, Collection 1, ff. 64v-69v)
Hildefonsus Bartholomew of Trent
(University of Bologna, Codice 1794)
Hildefonsus Bartholomew of Trent
(University of Bologna, Codice 1794)
Hildefonsus Pseudo-Caesarius
Hildefonsus Anglo-Norman Miracles of the Virgin
(London, BL, Royal 20 B XIV, fols 102v-169)
Hildefonsus Paris Mariale 1
(Paris Bibliothèque Nationale 14463)
Hildefonsus of Toledo BL Mariale 1
(Cotton Cleopatra C.x., ff. 101-144v)
Hildefonsus Paris Mariale 2
(Paris Bibliothèque Nationale 12593)
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Anglés, Higinio
Música Española
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Bagby, Albert
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Calvo- Manzano, María Rosa
Il libro etiopico d ei miracoli di Maria e le sue fonti nelle letterature del Medio Evo latino
Cerulli, E.
A Paleographic Edition of the Alfonsine Collection of Prose Miracles of the Virgin
Chatham, James R.
Sources of the Cantigas of Alfonso el Sabio [AC]
Dexter, Elise Forsythe
La cultura monástica en las Cantigas de Santa María de Alfonso X: pervivencia, adopción y reelaboración
Disalvo, Santiago
Cincuenta leyendas por Gil de Zamora, combinadas con las Cantigas de Alfonso el Sabio
Fita, Fidel
Representaciones marianas a través de la iconografía sobre San Ildefonso de Toledo
Fogelman, Patricia A.
Los poetas del Guadiana a Alfonso el Sabio
Gonzalez Lara, José, director de publicación
El arte mayor de Juan de Mena
Hanssen, Friedrich
Las traducciones castellanas de las Cantigas de Santa María
Keller, John E. and Robert W. Linker
A Feasible Source of the Denouements of the Exemplos in El Conde Lucanor
Keller, John Esten
Alfonso’s Miraculous Book: Patronage, Politics, and Performance in the ’Cantigas de Santa Maria’
Kennedy, Kirstin
Seeing is Believing: The Miniatures in the Cantigas de Santa Maria and Medieval Devotional Practices
Kennedy, Kirstin
Cantigas de Santa Maria de Alfonso X el Sabio, rey de Castilla
López Serrano, Matilde
La iconografía de Santa Leocadia de Toledo
López Torrijos, Rosa
Las Cantigas de Santa Maria del Rey Alfonso el Sabio
Martínez Molina, Laura
O Livro dos Milagres da Bem-aventurada Virgem Maria
Martins, Mário
El altar de San Ildefonso (Granada, s. XVII): aparición de Santa Leocadia y disputa con los herejes, permanencia de una tradición iconográfica que se remonta al siglo XIII (Lámina II, del cód. T11, Cantigas de Santa María, núm. 2
Montoya Martínez, Jesús
Milagres Medievais numa colectânea mariana alcobacense. Edição crítica, tradução e estudo
Nascimento, Aries Augusto, ed.
Crestomatia arcaica: excertos da literatura portuguesa, desde o que mais antigo se conhece até ao século XVI
Nunes, José Joaquim
Art of Estrangement: Redefining Jews in Reconquest Spain
Patton, Pamela A.
San Ildefonso de Toledo: otro esbozo de textos medievales y barrocos
Ratcliffe, Marjorie
Textos de literatura portuguesa. I: Afonso X, o Sábio
Rodrigues Lapa, Manuel
Biblioteca española
Rodríguez de Castro, D. Joseph
Alfonso X, el rey sabio ¿tolerante con la minoría judía? Una lectura emblemática de las Cantigas de Santa Maria
Roitman, Gisela
Clues to the authorship of the Cantigas de Santa Maria from the Toledo manuscript
Snow, Joseph
Historia de la música española desde la venida de los Fenicios hasta el año 1850
Soriano Fuertes, Mariano
Copistas, cancioneros, editores. Tres problemas para a lírica galega medieval
Tavani, Giuseppe
Os judeus na Espanha do século XIII, segundo as Cantigas de Santa Maria de Alfonso X o Sábio
Teensma, B. N.
A Selected and Annotated Discography of Recordings of Music from the Middle Ages in Spain
Tinnell, Roger D.