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    Texto galego

    All the Cantigas manuscripts are now viewable online:
    The Códice Rico and the Códice dos músicos on the RBME website, and the Florence codex on a site sponsored by the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale of Florence. Arrangements for downloading pages are variable. Direct links to the RBME image archive are currently being inserted into the MSS/Layout table.
    The Toledo codex is still viewable on the BNE website as dowloadable page pdfs.

    The Centre has opened a Twitter account @CantigasOxford as part of the celebration of the 800th anniversary of Alfonso X's birth on 23 November 1221. Daily commentaries and translations from November 2021 to May 2022 can be found in the Cantigas Archive.

    DATABASE NEWS October 2021. The database has been moved to a new server, which will enable some overdue updating to take place.

    NEW PUBLICATION A diplomatic transcription of all the music in To, T and E has just been published by Manuel Pedro Ferreira. See News for more details.

    The Centre for the Study of the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Oxford University was created in 2005. It currently hosts two linked research projects: the Cantigas de Santa Maria database and the new Cantigas de Santa Maria critical edition.

    The Cantigas de Santa Maria database is designed to give access to a vast range of information relevant to the processes of collection, composition and compilation of the Cantigas de Santa Maria. It will provide the critical material for a new edition of the Cantigas de Santa Maria, which will be published both in printed and electronic form. The database is under continual development.

    The database incorporates a fully searchable electronic version of Poncelet’s 'Index miraculorum B.V. Mariae quae saec. VI-XV latine conscripta sunt', and exhaustive listings of the contents of Latin and vernacular collections of Marian miracles.

    The database was initially developed with the support of the Leverhulme Trust (project grant F/08 736/B, Collection, Composition and Compilation in the Cantigas de Santa Maria). Continued work in the Centre was supported by the Research Development Fund of Oxford University, the Modern Humanities Research Association, and the British Academy (Small Grant SG-46903). 

    As a pilot for the new critical edition, supported by British Academy Research Development Award BR100062, Alfonso X's Cantigas de Santa Maria, an anthology of 50 cantigas has been prepared.  These texts and other sample texts from the CSM Critical Edition project are available online from our pdf archive or by direct links in the Poems section of the database.

    The Centre is not able to supply images from the Cantigas manuscripts or to authorise reproduction of images, though it is happy to advise on the location of particular images. All requests for reproductions or reproduction rights should be directed to the Library which owns the relevant manuscript. Requests for reproductions of images from the códice rico or the códice de los músicos should be made to the Patrimonio Nacional. Images of the Toledo MS are now freely available at the BNE website.

    HERE to enter the Cantigas de Santa Maria database. Please send any comments, suggestions, or corrections to the project team.

    O Centro para o Estudo das Cantigas de Santa Maria da Oxford University foi creado en 2005. Actualmente, acolle dous proxectos de investigación estreitamente interconectados: a “base de datos Cantigas de Santa Maria" e unha nova edición crítica das Cantigas de Santa Maria.

    A base de datos concibiuse para facilitar o acceso a unha ampla gama de información relativa aos procesos de colección, composición e compilación das Cantigas. Grazas ao seu carácter dixital, é un instrumento en continua actualización e desenvolvemento. Ademais, proporcionará o material crítico dunha nova edición da obra, que se publicará en formato impreso e electrónico.

    No interior desta base de datos é posible consultar unha versión dixital, completamente pesquisábel, do Index miraculorum B.V. Mariae quae saec. VI-XV latine conscripta sunt de Albert Poncelet, así como unha exhaustiva relación de contidos das coleccións latinas e vernaculares dos milagres de María.

    Nos seus inicios, a presente base de datos desenvolveuse grazas ao financiamento da Leverhulme Trust (proxecto subvencionado F/08 736/B, Collection, Composition and Compilation in the Cantigas de Santa Maria). A continuación do traballo no Centro contou co apoio do Research Development Fund da Oxford University, a Modern Humanities Research Association e a British Academy (subvención SG-46903).

    Como modelo para unha nova edición crítica, financiada pola British Academy Research Development Award BR100062, Alfonso X’s Cantigas de Santa Maria, elaborouse unha antoloxía de 50 cantigas. Estes textos e outras mostras do proxecto da Edición Crítica están dispoñibles en liña no noso arquivo PDF, así como por medio de enlaces directos na sección Poems no interior da base de datos.

    O Centro non ten capacidade para proporcionar as imaxes dos manuscritos das CSM nin para autorizar a súa reprodución, aínda que se compracerá no asesoramento da localización de imaxes concretas. Toda dúbida relativa á reprodución ou aos dereitos de reprodución deberá ser dirixida á respectiva biblioteca, propietaria do cancioneiro; mais concretamente, sobre o Códice Rico ou do Códice dos músicos, este tipo de cuestións debe formularse a Patrimonio Nacional. Actualmente, as imaxes do MS. Toledo son de acceso libre na web da BNE.

    Presione AQUI para acceder á base de datos. Por favor, envie os seus comentarios, suxerencias ou correccións ao grupo de traballo.
