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This screen provides the location and incipit of the selected miracle story. Poncelet numbers are given for Latin miracles, and Poncelet Key numbers for vernacular miracles. Vernacular miracles without a Latin analogue have been assigned key numbers from 2000 onwards, to provide links to other versions of the same story.  Use your browser's BACK button to return to the list of miracles.

Miracle data
Source name: Jean Mielot, Miracles de Nostre Dame
Short title:
Reference numbers: no.22 no.
Foliation in source: f. 19-19v
Rubric/Title in source: Dun moisne bon et deuot, qui deuotement seruoit la vierge Marie, la quelle sapparut a lui aprez matines a grant lumiere
Incipit: Vn moyne fut deuot et plain de bonnes oeuures, qui auoit accoustume de demourer adez en leglise aprez matines
Summary: How the Virgin appeared to a devout monk as he slept; and how, when he prayed that he might kiss her feet, she gave him her cheek