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This screen provides the location and incipit of the selected miracle story. Poncelet numbers are given for Latin miracles, and Poncelet Key numbers for vernacular miracles. Vernacular miracles without a Latin analogue have been assigned key numbers from 2000 onwards, to provide links to other versions of the same story.  Use your browser's BACK button to return to the list of miracles.

Miracle data
Source name: Johannes Herolt
Short title: Chorister Killed by Jews
Poncelet Number: 1631 - Scholaris quidam in ecclesia, ubi statutum est ut (al. quod)
Reference numbers: no.67
Rubric/Title in source: Scholarem a Judaeis occisum resuscitat Virgo Maria
Incipit: Scholaris quidam in Ecclesia, ubi statutum est, quod responsorium: Gaude Maria
Notes: Herolt No. 701 In a church where it was the rule that the responsory “Rejoice Mary” with the verse “Gabriel” in which there is “Let the Jew take shame”, should be sung daily