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This screen provides the location and incipit of the selected miracle story. Poncelet numbers are given for Latin miracles, and Poncelet Key numbers for vernacular miracles. Vernacular miracles without a Latin analogue have been assigned key numbers from 2000 onwards, to provide links to other versions of the same story.  Use your browser's BACK button to return to the list of miracles.

Miracle data
Source name: Cornell Mariale
Short title: Caesarius Cuts His Hand Off [also told of Pope Leo]
Poncelet Key: 310 - Cum quidam papa Leo Romae in S. Maria Maiore
Reference numbers: no.19
Rubric/Title in source: De Papa Leone cui Beata Virgo Maria manum restituit
Incipit: Sicut in commentariis pontificalibus dicitur esse scriptum, fuit Rome quidam nobilis adolescens Cesareus nomine
Summary: A noble Roman youth named Cesareus, who has led a sensual life, but is devoted to the Virgin, prays that she will make him continent. His prayer is answered and he later becomes Pope Leo. While celebrating mass a woman who had loved him kissed his hand. The pope is so disturbed by memories of the past that he cuts off his hand. He is obliged to explain why he no longer celebrates mass and the Virgin restores his hand. (261)