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This screen provides the location and incipit of the selected miracle story. Poncelet numbers are given for Latin miracles, and Poncelet Key numbers for vernacular miracles. Vernacular miracles without a Latin analogue have been assigned key numbers from 2000 onwards, to provide links to other versions of the same story.  Use your browser's BACK button to return to the list of miracles.

Miracle data
Source name: Cornell Mariale
Short title: Theophilus
Poncelet Key: 74 - Anno Dñi 553 (al. 536, al. 538) Theophilus in quadam urbe
Reference numbers: no.29
Rubric/Title in source: De Theophilo
Incipit: Fuit in quadam urbium Sicilie clericus quidam, nomine Theophylus
Notes: Ends: Expliciunt Miracula Beate Virginis Marie
Summary: Theophilus, vicedominus (of the city of Adana in Cilicia), declines the bishopric in favor of another, by whom he is later deposed from his own office. In his resentment he makes a compact duly signed with the Devil and recovers his office. He repents and the Virgin obtains his compact and returns it to him. (276)