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Author: Hernández Serna, Joaquín
Title: La Orden de la Estrella, o de Santa María de España, en la cantiga 78 del Códice de la Biblioteca Nacional de Florencia
Date: 1980
Publication details: Miscelánea Medieval Murciana 6 (1980), 149-68.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 2007rn"We have here an edition of Florence 78 (= Mettmann 299), color plates of its miniatures, a reproduction of Anglés' musical transcription [1943], the author's own Spanish prose translation, and a description and history of the manuscript housed in Florence. The main point of this overlong article (much of it is recycled information) is that the miniatures (incomplete and — H. S. claims — in the French style) provide some documentary proof of the dress adopted by the Order, its headgear and the official seal. Such seems to be the case and there is clear evidence here that scholars ought not overlook the additional visual information to be found in the Florence MS — which often happens, since they rely heavily on Guerrero Lovillo [1949] whose black and white series of illustrations was limited to Escorial T.I.1."
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