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Author: Alfonso X
Title: Cantigas de Santa Maria I (cantigas 1-100)
Date: 1986
Publication details: edición, introducción y notas de Walter Mettmann. Clásicos Castalia 134, Madrid: Castalia, 1986. 345 pp.
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Commentary: Snow 2007 "Follows same procedures as in the Coimbra ed (1959-72) but with less dependency on E (i.e., more variant readings from To, T, and F). In the notes are the metrical scheme for each cantiga and appropriate correspondances with the miracle compilations of Adgar, Gautier de oincy, and Berceo. With an Index of these 100 cantigas and an appendix with the Castilian prosification of nos 2-25. With 4 poorly-reproduced plates. There is a select bibliography."
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