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Author: Snow, Joseph T.
Title: The Central Role of the Troubadour persona of Alfonso X in the Cantigas de Santa Maria
Date: 1979
Publication details: Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 56 (1979), 305-16.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 2007: "The first of a series of articles in which S., through greater attention to the literary unities that give to the CSM a cohesion not often remarked, perceives an important secondary narrative: the possible spiritual (auto)biography of Alfonso X. This study concentrates on the loores, but is not limited to them, in the clarification of the close relationship of Provençal image patterns and the ones that define the attitudes of lover-beloved in the CSM. The conclusion is that we are not dealing with a casual literary 'influence' but rather with a carefully-framed design that is consistent throughout the whole of the CSM."
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