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Author: Filgueira Valverde, José
Title: A lénda d’Armenteira (notas de folk-lore)
Date: 1926
Publication details: Nós. 25 (1926): 10-12. Snow 1977: also no. 26 (1926), pp. 9-11.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 1977, no. 125: "An outline of sleeper legends in the Middle Ages and later. The spells are cast by sight, sound, smells, etc. Analogues to cantiga 103 are found in Portugal, Navarre, Picardy, France, Belgium, Sweden, Wales, Ireland, Germany, and Austria. Others come from early non Christian sources. These two parts of a series of articles (see also Filgueira Valverde, 1925) paraphrase the contents or events of most of these analogues. The notes tell where most can be located."
Associated Poems: 103 - The Monk who Listened to a Bird’s Song for Three Hundred Years
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