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Author: Varnhagen, F.A.
Title: Cancioneirinho de trovas antigas colligidas de um grande cancioneiro da Bibliotheca do Vaticano
Date: 1870
Publication details: Viena: Typographia I.E.R do E.E. da Corte, 1870. 34 + 170 pp. (throughout the latter continuous pagination, texts appear in roman and notes in arabic numerals).
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 1977, no. 31 tris: "Interested by Wolf's description (1859) of these newly uncovered poems, V. had a transcription made of a Madrid copy and checked it against MS Vatican 4803. The 34 pages of "noticia crítica" never had much critical value: however, they reveal the story of how a selection of CV first found its way into print (better and more reliable editions were soon to follow; see Monaci [1875] and Braga [1878]). V. states there are 21 Alfonsine compositions but has miscounted: there are 19 plus one shared tensón. The two cantigas profanas of Alfonso made available (pp. cxxx cxxxiv) are CV 79 and 77 (in his edition, numbers XLVIII and XLIX)."
Associated Poems: 1831
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