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Author: Molteni, Enrico Gasi
Title: Il canzoniere portoghese (Colocci Brancuti) pubblicato nelle parti che completano il codice Vaticano 4.803
Date: 1880
Publication details: Halle: Max Niemeyer, 1880. 187 pp. + 1 facs.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 1977, no. 40: "The Colocci Brancuti (CB) is a vast collection and is now housed in Lisbon's Biblioteca Nacional. Here M. published, in a diplomatic edition, only those poems not included in the CV which Monaci published in 1875. Of these there are twenty six by Alfonso (nos 348 72) and one tenson by Alfonso and Vaasco Gil (no. 385). CB 359 is also CV 40 and the beginning of CB 360 is a fragment of a loor not included in the CSM. For the corresponding numbers in various editions of Alfonso's satirical and love songs see Appendix A."
Associated Poems: 1829
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