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Author: Bertoni, Giulio
Title: Alfonso X di Castiglia e il provenzalismo della prima lirica portoghese
Date: 1923
Publication details: Archivum Romanicum, 7 (1923), 171-5.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 1977, no. 110: "Interprets Alfonso's criticism of Pero da Ponte, CV 70, to mean that the best Provençal models were not imitated by da Ponte, which weakened his quality as a poet. There are, relevant to CV 79, 77, and 74, and to CB 370, 360, and 365, discussions of Alfonso's admiration for Provençal poetic models. Bertoni's view, accepted by many, began a continuing debate on this particular strophe's meaning."
Associated Poems: 10237
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