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Author: Margelí, Antonio
Title: Las Cantigas de Alfonso X el Sabio. Su notación en colores
Date: 1930
Publication details: Ritmo (Madrid) (August 30, pp. 1-4; Sept. 15, pp. 2-5; October 15, pp. 1-3; October 30, pp. 2-3, all 1930). Rpt. in Revista Eclesiástica, 3 (1931), 176-97.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 1977, no. 142: "I cite from the latter (first instalment of Ritmo version not seen). This is for specialists in medieval mensuralist notation. M. attempts to establish that the color (red or black, but sometimes black and white) of notes is an important key to interpretation of medieval music. All arguments here are tentative as the system changes from place to place with the schools of notation. They are further undermined by the lack of any direct precedent for Alfonsine notation. The motive behind the publication of this unusual item is the desire to identify the jota melodies with certain of the CSM. The whole idea is just too difficult to accept and is dismissed by Anglés (1943) as fanciful."
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