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Author: Montoya Martínez, Jesús
Title: El concepto de ’autor’ en Alfonso X
Date: 1979
Publication details: In Estudios sobre literatura y arte dedicados al prof. Emilio Orozco Díaz. Ed. Antonio Gallego Morell, Andrés Soria and Nicolás Marín. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 1979, II, 455-62. rpt in J. Montoya Martínez, Composición, estructura y contenido del cancionero marial de Alfonso X (Murcia: Real Acad. Alfonso X el Sabio, 1999), 41-53.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 2007rn"A thoughtful return to the problem of what is meant by authorship when treating the CSMx. The new element discussed here involved a commentary on a passage from Peter Comestor about the divine authorship of biblical texts and the close parallels with Alfonso's view as expressed in the General Estoria."
Associated Poems: 10 - Cantiga de loor
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