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Author: Filgueira Valverde, José
Title: Lírica medieval gallega y portuguesa
Date: 1949
Publication details: Historia general de las literaturas hispánicas, I, ed. G. Díaz Plaja (Barcelona: Barna, 1949), 543-642.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 1977, no. 218: "A competent study of the entire period and the poetry and polemics accompanying it. Emphasis is on the secular cancioneiros, but the CSM are also treated (pp. 599-604). Best of all, the "orientación bibliográfica" which is, in part, annotated, is erudite, felicitously arranged by topics and remains useful for initial study of most all aspects of the poets and personalíties that enliven the Galician-Portuguese lyric."
Associated Poems: 10242
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