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Author: Vílchez Céspedes, María Rosa
Title: Una colección de milagros mariales del siglo XIII
Date: 1951
Publication details: unpubl. diss., Univ. of Madrid, 1951.
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Commentary: Snow 2007: "In the notice of the diss. in the Revista de la Universidad de Madrid 1 (1952), 293-94, it appears that the subject is Juan Gil de Zamora's Liber mariae. The abstract states that full comparisons are made with those CSM which have versions in the Gil de Zamora collection, and that the latter provided principal sources for Alfonso and his collaborators. An appendix — which could be important for scholars working in source studies — prints the Latin texts of Gil de Zamora in a purportedly more accurate transcription than those previously available [see Fita, 1885, 1888]."
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