Commentary: |
Snow 1977, no. 286: "P. reviews the critical debate conceming Alfonso's cantiga de maldizer, CV 70, and rejects all the previous commentary (Michaelis de Vasconcellos, Rodrigues Lapa, De Lollis, Bertoni, Nunes, and Costa Pimpao) which assumes that Alfonso is critical of his fellow poet Pero da Ponte. On the contrary, the poetic stance is just good, clean fun, part of a game initiated in a partimen poem debated between Garcia Martinz and Pero da Ponte (CV 1652). Contains Italian prose translations. This article is characterized by original thinking and sheds interesting new light on the topic. Some shortcomings are discussed by M.M.M. de Oliveira in Boletim de Filologia 21 (1962 3), 15-34. See also Panunzio's ed. of P. da P. (1967)." |