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Author: Domínguez Bordona, Jesús
Title: Manuscritos alfonsíes y francogóticos de Castilla, Navarra y Aragón
Date: 1962
Publication details: Ars Hispaniae, vol. 18 (Madrid: Plus Ultra, 1962), 1-29, esp. 1-18.
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Commentary: Snow 1977, no. 289rn"Deft and informative resumé of what, very generally, is known of the manuscript art of the CSM MSS. One of the Escurial MSS belonged, it is suggested, to Isabel la Católica. The style seems to reveal a freedom of interpretation given the artists in the portrayal of their subjects. The author believes that the artists were local Iberian personalities trained in the techniques of French illumination. Six miniatures are reproduced, one in colour."
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