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Author: Bagby Jr., Alberto I.
Title: The Moor and the Jew in the Cantigas of Alfonso X, el Sabio
Date: 1968
Publication details: unpubl. diss., Univ. of Kentucky, 1968. 208 pp. An abstract appears in Dissertation Abstracts International XXX (1969-70), 1550-1A.
Snow ID: 319
Commentary: Snow 1977: "A shade too eager to accept the CSM as evidence of Alfonso's personal attitude toward Moor and Jew. The claim that despite Alfonso's fame as a tolerant monarch he was "in reality quite prejudiced" does not really convince. There is a lack of critical balance (for example, Castro's theories are never questioned, despite the many doubts raised by other serious scholars) and there is no sound discussion of the psychological complexities that such theories are bound to raise. Not enough space is devoted to the consideration that the figures in some of the Cantigas are mere literary stereotypal enemies of Mary and Christ and that exaggerated portraits of Jews and Moors need not be the basis for conclusions about Alfonso's personal tastes. B.'s view is interesting and ought to be aired; however, the case for it is not proven here."
Associated Poems: 4322
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