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Author: Scholberg, Kenneth R.
Title: Sátira e invectiva en la España medieval
Date: 1971
Publication details: Biblioteca Románica Hispánica, Estudios y Ensayos, 163, Madrid: Gredos, 1971, 58-134.
Snow ID: 350
Commentary: Snow 1977: "Though references to Alfonso's satirical poetry are made throughout the volume, it is ch. II, "La sátira gallego portuguesa en los siglos XIII y XIV", which helps to deepen our understanding of Alfonso's contributions to the panorama of the varied genres of satire and invective, both in his age and after it. Integrated into the purview given by S. are the following poems of Alfonso X: 23, 29, 7, 419, 427, 18, 14, 149, 12, 19, 31, 2, 16, 26, 21, 34, 10, and 3 (numbers are from Lapa [ed. of 1970], see entry for 1965)."
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