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Author: Tavani, Giuseppe
Title: Rapporti tra testo poetico e testo musicale nella lirica galego-portoghese
Date: 1975
Publication details: Revista de Letras (Sao Paulo) 17 (1975), 179-86; original in Atti del 3º Congresso Internazionale sul tema 'La musica al tempo del Boccaccio e i suoi rapporti con la letteratura (Siena-Certaldo, 19-22 July 1975) = L'Ars Nova Italiana del Trecento, 4 (Certaldo 1978), pp. 425-33. This was published a third time with a new title, "Relacións entre texto poético e texto musical na lírica galego-portuguesa", Grial 22, no. 83 (1984), 3-10, and a fourth time, in Portuguese translation, in 1988 (as "Música e poesia").
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Commentary: Snow 2007: "An article containing many important ideas about the nature of the 'missing' music for most of the Galician-Portuguese profane poetry. Since the poetic patterns reflected in the CSM of Alfonso are often more complex and elaborate than those in the secular cancioneiros, and the music surviving for the six songs of Martin Codax seems to show that the same may well be true for the musical contrast between the CSM and the body of profane songs, one cannot help regretting that later scribes did not transfer the musical portion of the MSS they copied. No questions are answered here, but some useful ones are raised."
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