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This page gives codicological and paleographical information on each individual manuscript witness of a poem.
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Esta páxina dá información codicolóxica e paleográfica de cada un dos testemuños manuscritos dunha cantiga.
Viewing witness E159
Poem data: Stanza: 15 [7’ 7] 15 [7’ 7] 15 [7’ 7] 15’ [7’ 7’] Refrain: 15’ [7’ 7’] 15’ [7’ 7’] No. of Stanzas: 7
Whole pages: No No. of pages: 0
Lines of epigraph: 4 No. of Staves: 0
Text underlaid: R+1+1r Running text: 6x(8+1)
Total lines: 0 Page division (rubric+staves+text):
Refs lost: Text columns: 2
Pages of miniature: 0 Layout type:
Start: f. 154r a24 Min 1:
Finish: f. 154v b14 Min 2:
Quire no.: Quire Structure:
Layout comments: 40 lines per column; Rublines: 4+B Staves: 13x4
Epigraph: Como Santa Maria fez descobrir hũa posta de carne que furtaran a uũs romeus na vila de Rocamador.