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Author: Domínguez Rodríguez, Ana
Title: Imágenes de la mujer en las Cantigas de Santa Maria
Date: 1984
Publication details: in La imagen de la mujer en el arte español: Actas de las Terceras Jornadas de Investigación Interdisciplinaria (Madrid: Univ. Autónoma, 1984), 29-42.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 2007rn"In alfonsine MSS women are featured only in the CSM — profusely in Escorial T.I.1 — where they are featured in a variety of roles that reflect the duality Eva/Ave so sharply etched in CSM 60. The emphasis, however, falls on woman's maternal role, thus reflecting — in great part — a Byzantine development cultivated in the West by St. Bernard. A great many of the depictions in the CSM are singled out for the image presented of Mary and of female sinners; ten color reproductions accompany the commentary."
Associated Poems: 60 - Cantiga de loor
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