Commentary: |
Notes from Snow 1977, no. 252: "The pertinent section is entitled "Alfonso X el Sabio, Pero da Ponte y Bernal de Bonaval", pp. 489-96. It takes up Alfonso's satire of Pero da Ponte in CV 68 and 70, and concurs with Costa Pimpao's estimate (1947) that the criticism is levelled because Pero does not use his skill in praise of the Virgin. CSM 260 is called upon to lend support to this position. Further demonstration comes from the interpretation given to the final strophe of cantiga 10, in which Alfonso himself is a model for such praise. This same stanza might well be a reproof based on a secular variant of the theme in a poem by Bonaval, for it is to Bonaval that Alfonso unfavourably compares Pero da Ponte." |