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Author: Montoya Martínez, Jesús
Title: Tres topónimos en las Cantigas de Santa María
Date: 1979
Publication details: Verba 6 (1979): 17-24.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 2007rn"Postulates a new identification for Belmez and Chincoya (in Jaén) of CSM 185 which, if accurate, would replace the identification given in Mettmann's glossary [1972] and that of Agapito Rey [1927]. Sus, a third toponym, appears twice (CSM 329 and 135), and is identified as being in the southern region of Morocco, again providing a correction to Mettmann and Rey"
Associated Poems: 135 - The Marriage Ordained by the Virgin
185 - The Statue that Defended a Castle
329 - The Moor who Stole Coins from the Virgin’s Altar
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