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Author: Guerrero Lovillo, José
Title: Las lámparas de Las [sic] Cantigas
Date: 1944
Publication details: Archivo Español de Arte 17 (1944), 148-70.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 2007: "An amply illustrated (29 line drawings and three black and white plates) general study, several years in advance of the author's monumental work on the art of the CSM [1949]. His point is that the common lamp types of Christian Castile do not appear in the CSM; rather, the ones which we see in the miniatures reflect a mozarabic reality with the characteristic symbolic shapes and detail in the design. Figs. 12 and 13 represent CSM 120 and 169. By the end of the study, we have learned little about the CSM but rather a lot about Islamic representational art."
Associated Poems: 120 - Cantiga de loor
169 - The Church at Arreixaca is Protected by the Virgin
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