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Author: Lopes, Francisco Fernandes
Title: A música das Cantigas de Santa Maria e o problema da sua decifração
Date: 1945
Publication details: Brotéria, XL (1945), 49 70.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 1977, no. 198: "Reviews musical studies of Aubry (1906 8), Collet and Villalba (1911), Ribera (1922), and one early study by Anglés (1927), and rejects them all on the basis that they begin from aprioristic notions. The author claims to be seeking a way of transcribing the CSM that would permit words and music to combine in an intimate and natural manner: he prints his own versions for cantigas 10, 255, 77, and 260, in which he claims to have respected better than his predecessors the MS notation. His ideals are noble but he runs into the same pitfalls. Words and music in the CSM, when they do not fit each other smoothly, cannot be made to do so. Had he had Anglés's 1943 transcription, he might have revised some of this article."
Associated Poems: 10 - Cantiga de loor
77 - The Contorted Woman of Lugo
255 - The Murderous Mother-in-law
260 - Cantiga de loor
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