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Author: Guerrero Lovillo, José
Title: Muebles hispanoárabes en las Cantigas de Alfonso el Sabio
Date: 1945
Publication details: Al-Andalus 10 (1945), 432-40.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 1977, no. 200: "Only pp. 437-40 deal with Alfonso's works. Three cantigas are cited for their illustrations, with sketches by the author: 169, 110, and 165. These all contain examples of Arabic furniture, mostly thrones and royal seats. They correspond to plates 185, 122, and 180 in his major work published in 1949, q.v."
Associated Poems: 110 - Cantiga de loor
165 - The Celestial Knights who Protected the City of Tartus
169 - The Church at Arreixaca is Protected by the Virgin
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