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Author: Martins, Mário
Title: Lendas portuguesas de apariçoes de Nossa Senhora nas Cantigas de Santa Maria
Date: 1958
Publication details: Brotéria LXVII (1958), 5-11. Rpt. in Estudos de cultura medieval 1 (Lisbon: Verbo, 1969), 229-36.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 1977, no. 270: "This retelling of the events of CSM 237, 245, 399, 333, and 267 is informative and instructive. While no great historical burdens are placed on the "proofs" these poems provide, they do give a greater reality to the roles of such religious lyrics in the fabric of every day life in the Peninsula. Alfonso's narrative is compared to a similar account in the Crónicas dos sete primeiros reis de Portugal."
Associated Poems: 237 - The Murdered Prostitute
245 - The Hostage who was Released
267 - The Merchant who Fell Overboard
333 - The Lame Man Healed at Terena
399 - The Mother who Tried to Kill her Baby
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