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Author: Filgueira Valverde, José
Title: A inserción do ’verbo antigo’ na literatura medieval
Date: 1976
Publication details: Boletín Auriense (Orense) 6 (1976), 355-66.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 2007: "Not much more than a presentation of the popular refrain in the medieval cancioneiros, a rough outline designed to encourage others to elaborate on these noted occurrences. Some use of the 'verbo antigo' is identified in Alfonso's poetry: the "Quen leva o baio, non leixa a sela" of CBN 473 and the "aquel é de mal guardado que guarda Santa Maria" of CSM 369. Other CSM touched on to advantage are 273, 329, 317, and 78."
Associated Poems: 78 - The Slandered Man who was Spared from Burning
273 - The Miraculous Thread
317 - The Squire who Assaulted a Girl
329 - The Moor who Stole Coins from the Virgin’s Altar
369 - The Missing Ring that was Found in a Fish
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