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Author: Parkinson, Stephen
Title: Two for the Price of One: On the Castroxerix Cantigas de Santa Maria
Date: 1998
Publication details: In Ondas do Mar de Vigo: Actas do Simposio Internacional sobre a LĂ­rica Medieval Galego-Portuguesa, Birmingham 1998, c0-0rd. Derek W. Flitter and Patricia Odbar de Baubeta. Birmingham: Seminario de Estudios Galegos, Department of Hispanic Studies, University of Birmingham, 1998, 72-88.
Snow ID: 1501
Commentary: Snow 2007: "P. studies the metrical form and the stylistic features of CSM 242 and 249 in considerable detail and presents convincing reasons for considering them as different versions of the same miracle account."
Associated Poems: 242 - The Stonemason who was Held up by his Fingertips
249 - The Stonemason who Survived a Great Fall
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