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CSM Number : 191
Short name: The Woman who Fell from a Cliff Alternative: Castellan's wife rescued from fall
Incipit: O que de Santa Maria/ sa mercee ben gaanna
Refrain: O que de Santa Maria/ sa mercee ben gaanna/ de tod’ ocajon o guarda/ ja non será  tan estranna.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: a castle called Ródenas in the district of Albarracín Protagonist(s): a castellan’s wife

A poor squire was in charge of a castle called Ródenas in the district of Albarracín.

The castle was on top of a steep cliff, and there was a spring at the bottom in a valley.

When the castellan went to collect his pay, he left his wife in charge of the place.

Everyday, she went to fetch water from the spring at the bottom of the cliff.

One day, a strong wind swept her off the mountainside.

She called on the Virgin to aid her. Although she fell a very long way she was not harmed or killed. This miracle became known throughout Spain.

Metrical data
Stanza: 15' 15' 15' 15' Refrain: 15' 15'
No. of Stanzas: 5
Rhyme scheme: AA | bbba Zejel: Yes
MS locations:
T191, E191
Poncelet reference
castellan, castellan (wife of) , castle, fall (from cliff), spring, squire
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
Composición, estilo y texto en la miniatura del Códice Rico de las CSM,
Chico Picaza, Maria Victoria
Entre Ave y Eva: las mujeres de las Cantigas de Santa María. II. Las trabajadoras. III. Las Evas
Fidalgo, Elvira