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Author: Powell Jayne, Cnynthia
Title: The Virgin’s Cures for Lust
Date: 1991
Publication details: In Estudios alfonsinos y otros escritos. En homenaje a John Esten Keller y a Anibal A. Biglieri, ed. Nicolás Toscano Liria. New York: National Endowment for the Humanities, National Hispanic Foundation for the Humanities, 1991. 118-124.
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Associated Poems: 16 - The Knight who Said Two Hundred ‘Aves’ a Day
125 - The Priest who Used Magic to Seduce a Maiden
132 - The Clerk of Pisa
137 - The Lustful Knight who was Made Impotent
151 - The Priest who Renounced his Mistress
152 - The Silver Bowl Filled with Bitter Liquid
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