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Author: Anglés, Higinio
Title: El Còdex musical de Las Huelgas. Música a veus dels segles XIII-XIV
Date: 1931
Publication details: vol. I (Barcelona: Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Biblioteca de Catalunya, 1931), pp. 51-8.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 1977, no. 144: "These few pages cover much ground. They establish a probable polyphonic musical basis in the courts of Fernando III and Alfonso, both of whom were musicians. They renew disagreements with Ribera (1922) about European music's being rooted in Arabic music and suggest persuasively, with musical examples from Ripoll, that the predominant musical forms of the CSM, the rondeau (cantiga 279) and the virelai (cantigas 52 and 425), were preceded by non-Arabic western originals."
Associated Poems: 52 - The Mountain Goats that Gave Milk to the Monks of Montserrat
279 - King Alfonso is Healed
425 - Resurrection: The Three Marys
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