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CSM Number : 52
Short name: The Mountain Goats that Gave Milk to the Monks of Montserrat
Incipit: Mui gran dereit’ é d’ as bestias obedecer
Refrain: Mui gran dereit’ é d’ as bestias obedecer/ a Santa Maria, de que Deus quis nacer.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: Montserrat Protagonist(s): the monks of Montserrat

Every evening, some mountain goats climbed down the mountain at Montserrat and went to the church.

The goats lined up at the church door to be milked.

The monks milked the goats for four years.

A novice stole a kid from the flock and ate it.

The monks could never catch and milk the goats again.

Pilgrims are told how the Virgin provided for the monks.

Metrical data
Stanza: 10 10 12 10 Refrain: 12 12
No. of Stanzas: 7
Rhyme scheme: AA | bbba Zejel: Yes
MS locations:
T52, E52, To66
Poncelet reference
goats, milk (of goats), monastery, monks, novice, provision (miraculous, of food or drink)
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
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