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Author: Filgueira Valverde, José
Title: La ’seguida’ en la lírica galaico-portuguesa medieval
Date: 1975
Publication details: Homenaje a D. Agustín Millares Carlo (las Palmas: Caja Insular de Ahorros de Gran Canaria, 1975), vol. II, 435-52.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 2007: "The "seguir" concept is a broad one, from actual theft of lyrics and music, through deliberate borrowing in order to imitate, answer in kind, or satirize and parody the original composition, to the incorporation of popular and anonymous pre-existing verse estribillos or villancico material of a gnomic or proverbial nature into new compositions. Some of Alfonso's compositions used as examples of various types of this 'seguida' phenomenon are: CV 68; CBN 412, 421 (not, as stated, 370), 441 (not 144, as printed), and 419; and CSM 260, 406, and 425. For further suggestions on proverbial refrains in the CSM, see this author's later study [1976]."
Associated Poems: 260 - Cantiga de loor
406 - Cantiga de loor
425 - Resurrection: The Three Marys
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