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CSM Number : 117
Short name: The Seamstress who Worked on the Sabbath Alternative: Seamstress is punished for working on Saturday (Chartres)
Incipit: Toda cousa que aa Virgen seja prometuda
Refrain: Toda cousa que aa Virgen seja prometuda/ dereit’ é e gran razon que lle seja tẽuda.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: Chartres Protagonist(s): a seamstress

A seamstress vowed not to work on Saturdays.

The devil tempted her and she forgot her vow.

As punishment, her hands were twisted.

Various remedies failed to heal her, and pilgrimages to numerous churches were likewise ineffectual.

Finally, she went to Chartres and repented, weeping.

The Virgin healed her.

Metrical data
Stanza: 13' 13' 13' 13' Refrain: 13' 13'
No. of Stanzas: 7
Rhyme scheme: AA | bbaa Zejel: Yes
MS locations:
T117, E117
Poncelet reference
Est villa quaedam iuxta vicum qui dicitur Bonavallis, in qua (503)
hand, lame, mute, paralysis, pilgrimage, repentance (see also confession), Saturday (devoted to Virgin Mary), seamstress, sewing, vow
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
Miracle Collection
D'une fame a cui il mesavint por ce qu'el filla au semadi au seir (Chartres) Jean le Marchant
(Chartres MS 1027)
D'une fame a cui il mesavint por ce qu'el filla au semadi au seir (Chartres) Chartres
(Rome, Vatican, MS Regina 339, ff. 55-69)
The Early Seguidilla
Clarke, Dorothy Clotelle
Entre Ave y Eva: las mujeres de las Cantigas de Santa María. II. Las trabajadoras. III. Las Evas
Fidalgo, Elvira
Alfonso X, el rey sabio ¿tolerante con la minoría judía? Una lectura emblemática de las Cantigas de Santa Maria
Roitman, Gisela