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CSM Number : 326
Short name: The Thieves who Stole Beehives Alternative: Thieves steal beehives (Tudia)
Incipit: A Santa Maria muito ll’ é greu
Refrain: A Santa Maria muito ll’ é greu/ de quen s’ atreve de furta-lo seu.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: Tudia Protagonist(s): a pilgrim to Tudia and some thieves

Many pilgrims go to Tudia to make generous offerings to the Virgin.

A man offered his beehives so that the church would have plenty of wax and honey.

The beehives were placed behind the church and guarded by a poor woman.

One night, some thieves came and stole the hives.

When the people discovered that they were missing, they asked Mary to avenge the crime.

A knight, who was a magistrate, came to Tudia. He ordered the thieves to be pursued. He set off to catch them, and found them hiding with the beehives.

Metrical data
Stanza: 10 10 10 10 Refrain: 10 10
No. of Stanzas: 10
Rhyme scheme: AA | bccb Zejel: Yes
MS locations:
F27d, E326
Poncelet reference
beehive, honey , magistrate, mouse/ mice, offerings, rabbit , thief/ thieves, wax
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Poesía de santuarios
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