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Author: Vasconcelos, Carolina Michaƫlis de
Title: Mestre Giraldo e os seus Tratados de Alveitaria e Cetraria
Date: 1911
Publication details: Revista Lusitana, 13 (1910 [1911]), 149-432. Rpt. in Dispersos originais portugueses, II: LinguĆ­stica (Lisbon: Ed. da Revista de Portugal, 1959), 191-429, esp. 231-44.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 1977, no. 80: "Not an easy work to use. The main part of the study is not germane to Alfonso's poetry. Appendix I gathers together CSM 44, 142, 232, 242, 352, and 366 as witness to Alfonso's interest in hunting and hawking. Additionally the long etymological glossary often cites from them for support and demonstration of points the author makes in commenting her text, illuminating meanings and contexts found in Alfonso's poems."
Associated Poems: 44 - The Knight whose Goshawk was Returned by Santa Maria de Salas
142 - The Huntsman who was Rescued from Drowning
232 - The Knight whose Goshawk was Returned by Santa Maria de Vilasirga
242 - The Stonemason who was Held up by his Fingertips
352 - The Moulting Goshawk
366 - Don Manuel Recovers his Lost Falcon
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