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CSM Number : 352
Short name: The Moulting Goshawk Alternative: Goshawk molts
Incipit: Fremosos miragres mostra
Refrain: Fremosos miragres mostra/ a Madre da fremosura/ e grandes, ca á vertude/ do mui gran Deus sen mesura.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: Toro and Viso Protagonist(s): a knight

A knight was given a goshawk by his lord, the son of a king.

The bird had formerly belonged to a knight from Extremadura and was an excellent hunter. Both Christians and Moors offered to buy the bird from the knight, but he would not part with it for anything.

The knight hunted with the bird everyday and caught many birds. He was worried about the goshawk, however, because it had not molted for two years.

The knight gave the bird medicine, but it had no effect. In the autumn, he took the bird to the church of the Virgin at Viso.

When he got to Toro, the bird refused to eat and lay lifeless with a twisted neck and a swollen beak. Everyone predicted that it would die.

The knight, trusting the Virgin, made a wax image of the goshawk and took it to her church. The Virgin cured the hawk and made it shed its feathers. Its new, brightly coloured feathers were incredibly beautiful.

Metrical data
Stanza: 15' 15' 15' 15' Refrain: 15' 15'
No. of Stanzas: 11
Rhyme scheme: AA | bbba Zejel: Yes
MS locations:
Poncelet reference
appetite (loss of) , duck , ex-voto, feathers, hawk, heron, hunting, king, knight, medicine, molt , Muslims/Moors, pilgrimage, swelling, vassal (of lord), birds
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
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