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Author: Sánchez Pérez, José Augusto
Title: Alfonso X el Sabio, siglo XIII
Date: 1935
Publication details: Madrid: Aguilar, n.d. [1935]. 301 pp.
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 1977, no. 162: "Sections included are "Vida", "Obras", "Ideario", "Bibliografía", and an anthology. The whole is very general but, given that, it serves as a reliable introduction to Alfonso's career. The bibliography is the same as the listing of 1933 with the addition of some 115 items of which few are on Alfonso's poetry. The anthology prints: CSM Prol. B, 10, 107, and 256; CV 73 and 74; and CB (MS) 468, 472, and 474 6. There are no notes. No index."
Associated Poems: 10 - Cantiga de loor
107 - The Jewish Woman who was Thrown from a Cliff
256 - Queen Beatriz is Healed
429 - Prologue
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