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CSM Number : 256
Short name: Queen Beatriz is Healed Alternative: Statue of the Virgin heals Queen Beatriz
Incipit: Quen na Virgen groriosa/ esperança mui grand’ á
Refrain: Quen na Virgen groriosa/ esperança mui grand’ á/ macar seja muit’ enfermo/ ela mui ben o guarrá.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: Cuenca Protagonist(s): Queen Beatriz

King don Fernando won Capilla [from the Moors] and settled it with Christians.

He ordered his wife, Queen Beatriz, to stay at Cuenca while he attacked Capilla.

When she was at Cuenca, the Queen became so ill that the skilled doctors from Montpellier predicted she would die. She was pregnant and had a very high fever.

The queen ordered an image of the Virgin to be brought. She maintained that she would recover from her illness as soon as she had seen the image, which was finely made of metal.

She asked for the image to be brought to her side so that she could kiss its hands and feet.

All this was done, and the queen recovered from her illness.

Metrical data
Stanza: 15 15 15 15 Refrain: 15 15
No. of Stanzas: 7
Rhyme scheme: AA | bbba Zejel: Yes
MS locations:
F7, E256
Poncelet reference
childbirth, fever, illness, image (of Virgin Mary), king, queen, warfare
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