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Author: Filgueira Valverde, José
Title: As festas do tempo nos cancioneiros galego-portugueses, lección inaugural do Curso Académico do ano 1978
Date: 1978
Publication details: Pontevedra: Centro Asociado de la Univ. Nacional de Educación a Distancia, 1978. 22 pp.rn
Snow ID:
Commentary: Snow 2007: "The cancioneiros contain many 'cantigas de romaria' with no mention of specific liturgical feast; however, other cantigas often hint at annual festivals celebrating Christmas, Spring, Easter, etc. In this survey, many Alfonsine compositions lend support to the author's hints that these 'festas do tempo' are deserving of further study: Christmas (CSM 425, 73, 72, and 292); Easter (Lapa 14, CSM 114, 4, 208, 224, 235, 295, and Lapa 19); the Maias (CSM 406); and the liturgical cycle (see author's pp. 6-7) of the Festas de Santa Maria and the Festas de Jesu-Cristo, of which there is plentiful evidence in the CSM."
Associated Poems: 72 - The Blasphemer who was Struck Dead
73 - The Stained Chasuble
292 - Master Jorge and the King’s Ring
425 - Resurrection: The Three Marys
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