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CSM Number : 73
Short name: The Stained Chasuble Alternative: The Stained Corporale
Incipit: Ben pod’ as cousas feas fremosas tornar
Refrain: Ben pod’ as cousas feas fremosas tornar/ a que pod’ os pecados das almas lavar.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: Clusa [the Benedictine abbey of Sagra di San Michele, near Chiusa di San Michele, near Turin, Italy]. Protagonist(s): the treasurer of a monastery in Clusa

The treasurer of a large monastery at Clusa loved and served the Virgin.

One Christmas, he went to place a white chasuble on the altar. He had the chasuble in one hand, and some sacramental wine in the other.

He stumbled, spilling the deep, red wine on the chasuble.

He was dismayed and terrified of what the abbot and the other monks would think.

As he was weeping, the Virgin removed the stain from the chasuble.

Everyone who heard of the miracle praised the Virgin, and pilgrims came to venerate the chasuble.

Metrical data
Stanza: 12 12 12 12 Refrain: 12 12
No. of Stanzas: 11
Rhyme scheme: AA | bbba Zejel: Yes
MS locations:
T73, E73, To89
Poncelet reference
Cum (al. Dum) missa celebraretur dumque sanctus (287)
Benedictines, chasuble, corporal, mass, Nativity of Jesus Christ (feast of), pilgrimage, spill, stain, treasurer, wine
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
Miracle Collection
Stained Corporal Pez
Stained Corporal Phillips
(Chicago, University of Chicago, Phillipps MS 25142)
Stained Corporal Gil de Zamora
(Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, MS 9503)
The Stained Corporale BL Mariale 3
(London, BL, Additional MS 35112, ff. 21-80; 90-94)
Stained Corporal Lisbon Mariale
(Lisbon, B.N., MS Alcobacense 149)
Stained Corporal William of Malmesbury
Stained Corporal Adgar
(London, BL, Egerton 612)
Stained Corporal BL Mariale 2
(London, BL, Arundel 346, ff. 60-73)
The Stained Corporale Bartholomew of Trent
(University of Bologna, Codice 1794)
Stained Corporal Jean Mielot, Miracles de Nostre Dame
(Oxford, Bodleian, Douce MS 374)
The Stained Corporale Anglo-Norman Miracles of the Virgin
(London, BL, Royal 20 B XIV, fols 102v-169)
The Stained Corporale BL Mariale 1
(Cotton Cleopatra C.x., ff. 101-144v)
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Llorens Cistero, José María
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Parkinson, Stephen
De música y métrica gallegas
Ribera y Tarragó, Julián