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CSM Number : 114
Short name: The Mother whose Son was Beaten Alternative: Man recovers from beating (Salas)
Incipit: A que serven todolos celestiaes
Refrain: A que serven todolos celestiaes/ guarecer ben pode as chagas mortaes.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: unspecified Protagonist(s): a woman and her son

It was the custom of a certain woman to place long wax candles in front of the altar of Holy Mary of Salas.

The woman had a son whom she commended to the Virgin, asking her to protect him from harm.

One day, her son’s enemies beat him viciously, tearing him to pieces.

His mother brought him home and tended his wounds, binding them in linen cloths. She prayed to the Virgin of Salas to heal him.

No sooner were the wounds bandaged then they healed up completely, leaving almost no scars. In the morning, the son asked his mother to remove the bandages, and she found that the wounds had been healed.

Both mother and son went to Salas where they reported the miracle.

Metrical data
Stanza: 11' 11' 11' 11' Refrain: 11' 11'
No. of Stanzas: 10
Rhyme scheme: AA | bbba Zejel: Yes
MS locations:
T114, E114
Poncelet reference
assault, candle, enemy (confrontation with), pilgrimage, veil, wound
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
Santa María de Salas en el Siglo XIII. Estudio sobre algunas Cantigas de Alfonso el Sabio
Aguado Bleye, Pedro
Entre Ave y Eva: las mujeres de las Cantigas de Santa María. I. Madres y mujeres casadas
Fidalgo, Elvira