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Author: Aguado Bleye, Pedro
Title: Santa María de Salas en el Siglo XIII. Estudio sobre algunas Cantigas de Alfonso el Sabio
Date: 1916
Publication details: Bilbao: Garmendía Additional details from Snow 1977: 99 pp. + 2 plates. A facsimile edition is Colección 'Rememoranzas' 1, Huesca: Dip. Provincial, Inst. de Estudios Altoaragoneses [1987?], with the addition of the texts of the 18 Salas cantigas (pp. 101-37).
Snow ID: 91
Commentary: Notes from Snow 1977, no. 91 "A version of the author's doctoral diss. Divided into two parts, a 38 pp. study and 53 pp. of documents. Assigns correctly to Huesca the seventeen Salas miracles Valmar had assigned to Lérida. These miracles are: CSM 43, 44, 109, 114, 118, 129, 161, 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 171, 172, 173, 189, and 247. Singled out for especial treatment is 164 which, when seen in light of documents Aguado presents, is historically accurate as to its people and geographical disposition. This is a valuable study."
Associated Poems: 43 - The Boy Revived at Salas
44 - The Knight whose Goshawk was Returned by Santa Maria de Salas
109 - The Possessed Man who was Exorcised at Salas
114 - The Mother whose Son was Beaten
118 - The Stillborn Child who was Revived at Salas
129 - The Soldier who was Struck in the Eye by an Arrow
161 - The Vineyard that was Protected from Hail
163 - The Gambler who Renounced the Virgin
164 - The Statue that Cried out Against the Arrest of a Monk
166 - The Lame Man Healed at Salas
167 - The Muslim Child who was Revived at Salas
168 - The Child Revived at Salas
171 - The Drowned Boy
172 - The Merchant Bound for Acre who Survived a Storm
173 - The Man who Passed a Kidney Stone
189 - The Pilgrim Healed of Dragon’s Bane
247 - The Blind Girl whose Sight was Restored
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