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CSM Number : 223
Short name: The Rabid Man Alternative: Man is cured of rabies (Terena)
Incipit: Todolos coitados que queren saude
Refrain: Todolos coitados que queren saude/ demanden a Virgen e a sa vertude.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: Estremoz and Terena Protagonist(s): a man with rabies, named don Mateus

The Virgin can heal anyone who asks her sincerely. She performs many miracles at her shrine at Terena, near Monsarás.

A man named don Mateus from Estremoz was stricken with rabies.

His relatives took him to Terena.

They had already prepared his coffin, and had given him up for dead.

Nevertheless, the Virgin cured him of his affliction.

Everyone should serve the Virgin and take her as a shield against the devil.

Metrical data
Stanza: 11 11 11 11' Refrain: 11' 11'
No. of Stanzas: 5
Rhyme scheme: AA | bbba Zejel: Yes
MS locations:
F55, E223
Poncelet reference
pilgrimage, rabies, coffin
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
As Cantigas de Santa Maria de Terena. Milagres Portugueses Medievais,
Lima, Mariana Ramos de
Milagres e romarias portuguesas nas Cantigas de Santa Maria
Martins, Mário
Airas Nunes, Mitautor der Cantigas de Santa Maria
Mettmann, Walter
Alfonso X the Learned. Cantigas de Santa Maria. An Anthology
Parkinson, Stephen
Os Riba de Vizela, Senhores de Terena (1259-1312)
Rei, António
Le répertoire médiéval Galicien-Portugais: Un Système mnémo-technique. Structures formelles de répétition lexicale et mélodique
Rossell, Antoni
La composición de las Cantigas de Santa Maria: una estrategia métrico-melódica, una estrategia poética
Rossell, Antoni
Randglossen zum altportugiesischen Liederbuch
Vasconcelos, Carolina Michaëlis de