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CSM Number : 224
Short name: The Girl who was Healed and Revived in Terena Alternative: Dead girl is revived (Terena)
Incipit: A Reinna en que é/ comprida toda mesura
Refrain: A Reinna en que é/ comprida toda mesura/ non é sen razon se faz/ miragre sobre natura.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: Terena Protagonist(s): a disabled girl

There was a man in Beja who was a steward of the king. He was sad because he had no heir, but then his wife became pregnant.

She gave birth to a daughter, but the baby was disfigured; her arm, instead of hanging free, was joined to her side.

The baby’s parents thought that she had been born like that because of their sins and they were very sad. When the girl was a year old, they heard of the miracles performed at Terena, and joined a group of pilgrims going there from Beja.

When they were approaching the shrine, the baby died. They took her to the cemetery.

The next morning, after a mass had been said, the little girl came back to life. When she was unwrapped from her shroud, the pilgrims saw that her arm had been healed.

Everyone gave thanks to the Virgin and the people in Beja and other villages made generous offerings.

Metrical data
Stanza: 7*7' 7*7' 7*7' 7*7' Refrain: 7*7' 7*7'
No. of Stanzas: 12
Rhyme scheme: AA | bbba Zejel: Yes
MS locations:
F3, E224
Poncelet reference
arm, birth defect, burial, children, infertility, king, offerings, pilgrimage, pregnancy, Requiem (mass), resurrection, steward
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
“Hermeneutics of the Cantigas: recovering notational sense”,
Ferreira, Manuel Pedro
Entre Ave y Eva: las mujeres de las Cantigas de Santa María. I. Madres y mujeres casadas
Fidalgo, Elvira
Seeing is Believing: The Miniatures in the Cantigas de Santa Maria and Medieval Devotional Practices
Kennedy, Kirstin
As Cantigas de Santa Maria de Terena. Milagres Portugueses Medievais,
Lima, Mariana Ramos de
Milagres e romarias portuguesas nas Cantigas de Santa Maria
Martins, Mário
Os Riba de Vizela, Senhores de Terena (1259-1312)
Rei, António