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CSM Number : 69
Short name: The Deaf-Mute who was Healed in Toledo Alternative: Deaf-Mute is healed (Toledo)
Incipit: Santa Maria os enfermos sãa
Refrain: Santa Maria os enfermos sãa/ e os sãos tira de via vãa.
Summary of narrative
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Setting: Toledo; The miracle takes place when the Emperor of Spain is in the city with his noblemen and a large cavalry. Protagonist(s): Pedro de Solarana, a deaf-mute

A man named Pedro de Solarana was a deaf-mute. His brother, a monk, was friends with Count don Ponce de Minerva.

One day Pedro had a vision in a church in Toledo. He saw a great light and a man standing before the altar. He also saw a beautiful maiden.

The maiden beckoned to him to approach the priest at the altar. The priest stuck his finger in Pedro’s ear and extracted a woolly worm.

Pedro de Solarana recovered his hearing immediately. He went to his brother’s house and gestured to show that he could now hear the rooster and the frog.

The monk ran with the news to the house of Count Don Ponce who asked him to fetch him the physician who made the medicine. The Count speculated that it could be a master of Messina or Salerno.

On Friday morning, Pedro passed the church and saw a man with white hair and beard. The man pulled him into the sanctuary where he saw the Virgin.She instructed the same priest who had cured his deafness to restore his speech. As soon as Pedro’s tongue was loosened, he sang a chant. So many people heard of the miracle that the church was filled to overflowing.

Metrical data
Stanza: 10' 10' 10' 10' Refrain: 10' 10'
No. of Stanzas: 21
Rhyme scheme: AA | bbba Zejel: Yes
MS locations:
T69, E69, To54
Poncelet reference
apparition, bread, count , deaf-mute, emperor, Eucharist, frog , herbs, light (celestial), mass, priest , rooster, sign language, tongue, worms
Click HERE for a list of recordings of this poem
Composición, estilo y texto en la miniatura del Códice Rico de las CSM,
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